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String Hashing

Hashing is used for efficient comparison of strings by converting them into integers and then comparing those strings on the basis of their integer values.

String Hashing


The good and widely used way to define the hash of a string s of length n is

hash(s) = s[0] * p0 + s[1] * p1 + s[2] * p2 + ... + s[n - 1] * p n - 1 mod m

where p and m are some chosen, positive numbers. It is called a polynomial rolling hash function.

It is reasonable to make p a prime number roughly equal to the number of characters in the input alphabet.

For example:

  • If the input is composed of only lowercase letters of the English alphabet, p = 31 is a good choice
  • If the input may contain both uppercase and lowercase letters then p = 53 is a good choice

Obviously m should be a large number since the probability of two random strings colliding is about is about ≈ 1/m. Sometimes m = 264 is chosen, since the integer overflow of 64-bits integers work exactly like the modulo operation.

However, there exists a method, which generates colliding strings (which work independently from the choice of ). So in practice m = 264 is not recommended. A good choice for m is some large prime number.

The code in this article will just use m = 109 + 9. This is a large number, but still small enough so that we can perform multiplication of two values using 64-bit integers.


long long compute_hash(string const& s) {
  const int p = 31;
  const int m = 1e9 + 9;
  long long hash_value = 0;
  long long p_pow = 1;
  for (char c : s) {
      hash_value = (hash_value + (c - 'a' + 1) * p_pow) % m;
      p_pow = (p_pow * p) % m;

  return hash_value;

Rolling Hash

Rolling hash is used to prevent rehashing the whole string while calculating hash values of the substrings of a given string. In rolling hash,the new hash value is rapidly calculated given only the old hash value.Using it, two strings can be compared in constant time.


In general,the hash H can be defined as:-

H = (c1ak-1 + c2ak-2 + c3ak-3 +...+ cka0) % m where:

  • a is a constant
  • c1, c2, ... ck are the input characters
  • m is a large prime number (eg: 1e9 + 7)

The probability of two random strings colliding is about ≈ 1/m.

The hash value of next substring Hnxt using rolling hash can be defined as:-

Hnxt = ((H - c1ak-1) * a + ck+1a0) % m


Consider the string abcd and we have to find the hash values of substrings of this string having length 3 ,i.e.,abc and bcd.

For simplicity let us take 5 as the base but in actual scenarios we should mod it with a large prime number to avoid overflow.

So,the hash value of first substring,H(abc) :-

H(abc) => a*(5^2) + b*(5^1) + c*(5^0) = 97*25 + 98*5 + 99*1 = 3014

And the hash value of the second substring,H(bcd) :-

H(bcd) => b*(5^2) + c*(5^1) + d*(5^0) = 98*25 + 99*5 + 100*1 = 3045
H(bcd) =(H(abc)-a*(5^2))*5 + d*(5^0)=(3014-97*25)*5 + 100*1 = 3045

Time Complexity

The rolling hash takes O(n) time complexity to find hash values of all substrings of a length k of a string of length n.

Computing hash value for the first substring will take O(k) as we have to visit every character of the substring and then for each of the n-k characters we can find the hash in O(1) so the total time complexity would be O(k+n-k)